Just one thing to CanadianSnowman the fact is that he manage to actually make it work by flash is amazing , needs a lots of skill , the game is smooth playable you can't even tell the difference and between its absolutly legal because its the shareware version made to promote the game!
Nice job you pull me back in time where Doom ken's labyrinthe wolfeisntein 3d, Duke Nukem 3d and the shadow warrior were the actually only 3 dimensional shooting game. This work is completly a tribute to a game that probably change the way video game were design and program.
Psst by the way that would be awsome to have Shadow warrior done like that :P
Also for those who remember the cheats code are
God mode : iddqd
all weapon full ammo : idkfa
no clip mode : idclip
geez i still remember these from the day's ...